Who are we

Our website address is: https://dreamcubator.club


When visitors leave comments on the website, we collect the data visible in the comment form, as well as the visitor’s IP address and browser user record to protect against spam.


When you write a comment on this website, you can choose whether you want your name, e-mail and website to be saved in cookies. This is done for your convenience, so that you do not have to re-enter this data every time you comment. These cookies are stored for one year.

Content from other sources

This website may contain content uploaded from other websites (for example, videos, images, text, etc.). Viewing and interacting with such uploaded content on this website is equivalent to visiting the websites from which the content is uploaded.

These websites may collect data about you, use cookies, third-party tracking services and monitor your actions with uploaded content, including when you have an account and are connected to the aforementioned websites.

How long we store your information

If you write a comment, its text and metadata are stored indefinitely. This is so that we can recognize and approve future comments automatically, instead of admin approval.

Your rights

You can also request that we delete any personal data we have about you. Both of these requirements do not apply to data that we are required to retain by law for administrative, legal or security purposes.

Where your data is sent

Visitor comments can be screened using an automated spam detection service.